XBody group of companies presenting website renewal, operation | Projects | WebOrigo
XBody group of companies presenting website renewal, operation

XBody group of companies presenting website renewal, operation

5 months
2 co-workers involved
design, web development
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XBody is an international company dedicated to the distribution and development of EMS fitness equipment, for which we have developed a website that presents a comprehensive range of their products and reflects the values and goals of the company since 2010. XBody has a presence in over 80 countries, where WebOrigo is responsible for providing and managing the website and web presence in each country in the respective language.

XBody uses its complex EMS studio and business model structure to help individuals and companies build their own personal brands. Our work has been designed to make it easy for financial investors, entrepreneurs, gym managers, personal trainers, physiotherapists and existing EMS business owners to find the perfect way to incorporate XBody into their portfolio. Since XBody handles so many different services from management to training to distribution, it was crucial to create a central website that would have all the information in one, transparent and accessible place. Their design has helped to make contacting them quick and easy, improving customer access and contributing greatly to the company's future goals.

The website has Salesforce integration, automatic, built-in mailing services, security solutions to protect against bots and attackers, multi-language support. A map search allows you to quickly find partners and studios.

For Xbody, development was done using WordPress, an easy-to-use platform for both XBody staff and future clients. Coupled with useful plugins such as Elementor and search engine optimization tools, the website meets the needs of this ever-evolving business.

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