Interreg Danube Region programme interface development | Projects | WebOrigo
Interreg Danube Region programme interface development

Interreg Danube Region programme interface development

4 months
Laravel (PHP), Filament
4 co-workers involved
UI/UX design, planning, web development
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The project needed to create a site through which projects and organisations could achieve their goals for a more collaborative, greener, smarter and more inclusive future. 

In order to make the process of applying for funding as simple and streamlined as possible, we aimed to create an intuitive and easy-to-navigate website for the project. As our client is co-funded by the European Union, we had to meet strict requirements and high standards, which we successfully met. The end result is the first 60 new projects of the Interreg Danube Region 2021-27 programme. Partners can find and contact each other through our platform to support innovative ideas. 

For this project, we focused on the themes of water and eco-friendliness, and the final design elements were created in close cooperation with our client. In addition to the main website, for the different projects that will be launched under the DRP, we have built a system of microsites where these projects can have their own dedicated space, providing a separate but thematically synchronised view of the Interreg programme. 

The administration panel was implemented using Filament, and JavaScript, jQuery, VueJS and Laravel technologies were used to build the front- and backend.

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