Jász Residence real estate sales website development | Projects | WebOrigo
Jász Residence real estate sales website development

Jász Residence real estate sales website development

3 months
2 co-workers involved
design, web development
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We have designed and developed a WordPress website to facilitate the sale of apartments for the Jász Residence residential complex. 

The clean, stylish design perfectly captures the aura of the prospective Budapest apartments and homes advertised on the website, combining a modern lifestyle with a homely, family feel. The website encourages sales with well-placed CTA buttons, intuitive navigation and large, enticing images showing both the construction process and the plans in the pipeline, perfectly meeting the client's needs. As a unique solution, an interactive map-based home selector helps to make the buying process even smoother, allowing the user to first select a level, then view and navigate the floor plan as if they were on the architect's drawing board.

The use of WordPress as the main development tool for the project helped to make the website both unique and easy to use. We used plugins for both content management and search engine optimisation to ensure a user-friendly result.

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