Dronecakes drone pilot search and training app development | Projects | WebOrigo
Dronecakes drone pilot search and training app development

Dronecakes drone pilot search and training app development

8 months
Typescript, React, Node.js
6 co-workers involved
audit, design, web development
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For DroneCakes we enhanced their existing React, Typescript and Node.js based website. Our collaboration started with the preparation of an audit, which aimed to provide transparency on the operation, the architecture of the system and the monthly costs involved. This was of particular importance as the source code was running on Google's Cloud Firebase platform with Firestore data storage, which can be extremely costly if it has a high load or the code running on it is not optimised.

We followed the Material UI approach to the web design. We created new functionality using existing elements, supporting Dronecakes' new educational endeavours. Thus, we created the frontend and backend parts of the new subscription packages following the adopted web design using the Figma platform.

During the development we worked with Dronecakes' in-house software developers. WebOrigo was primarily responsible for web design and frontend development, while Dronecakes was responsible for database and data integrity.

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