Gardróbom application development | Projects | WebOrigo
Gardróbom application development

Gardróbom application development

7 months
Vue.js, Capacitor, Laravel (PHP)
6 co-workers involved
design, development
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For the startup Gardróbom, we created a second-hand clothing sales app for the phone. The app, which we started developing in 2020 and launched in 2021, allows users to upload their unwanted clothes and accessories to the platform. Our goal was to create a flow for product upload and sales that is simpler and faster than competing apps. The idea worked and the app quickly became very popular: in the week of its launch, it was the most popular app on the Play Store and AppStore, which means that more people downloaded our app than Messenger, WhatsApp or Facebook, which was a huge pleasure for us!

The app has been hugely popular from the start. In the first 3 months we reached 110,000 registered users and 350,000 products uploaded to the platform.

In addition to development, WebOrigo is responsible for providing the server infrastructure. A separate server is available to run the images, a separate database and the backend. The optimised images alone represent more than 4 TB of data, so their processing and management is a priority.

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