Develawp lawyer education system development
We developed a lawyer training platform for DLA Piper. The aim of the platform is to provide a simple, transparent platform for external and internal lawyer credit education.
The development took place between 2020-2021, we built the platform in 7 months using Vue.js and Laravel (PHP) technologies. The visual design was created in Photoshop, a collaboration between in-house and external designers. The front-end was developed in Vue.js (cross-platform applications) with both iOS and Android apps, and the back-end in PHP, a common language for both the apps and the web interface.
We host Develawp's training interfaces on our own server park. For video storage, we operate a dedicated 1 TB multimedia server with centres in the Czech Republic and Italy.
Features include training and reporting interfaces, credit card payment integration, automatic billing, and more. The training system is compatible with the requirements of the Hungarian Bar Association, so the accredited training courses with credit points are also implemented on the Develawp platform. Coupons, pop-ups, interactive editing options are also available to support the values. Uploadable training materials can include videos, images, documents and audio files. The system can be used to deliver both pre-recorded and live training, and can even be used to advertise in-person training.
We are also responsible for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Develawp system, which we have been carrying out since its delivery, including further development and security updates.
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