PRJCT8 GmbH Landing site design and development | Projects | WebOrigo
PRJCT8 GmbH Landing site design and development

PRJCT8 GmbH Landing site design and development

6 months
Figma, WordPress
3 co-workers involved
design, web design, web development
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We created a modern presentation page for the Swiss based company Prjct8 GmbH. When developing the website, it was important to incorporate as many innovative animation elements as possible.

The development started with a visual design workflow, which was created in Figma. As a landing page, we focused first and foremost on the company's image and objectives, as these are the things that should capture the potential customer at first glance. We paid particular attention to creating the motion design, creating a Figma prototype, so that it was clear and straightforward for our developers which lights and animations should be used for which page elements.

The development was done in WordPress framework using Elementor.

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