
2022. April 7.
Special Domain Names: .cloud, .space, .shop? How Widespread?
The abbreviation of domain names at the end shows a sort of classification. Examples are ".org" which denotes an organization or ".com" which denotes commercial activity. There are also country-specific endings, such as domain names ending in ".hu" used in Hungary. Nowadays, everyone wants to be unique in some way, so custom domain name extensions are common (for example, “.pizza”). It can be requested from the World Internet Authority (ICANN) and we need to reach into our pockets well to have one.

2022. April 6.
GDPR Friendly Hosting Service: What Makes a GDPR Compatible Hosting Provider?
Before we talk about the GDPR friendly hosting service, let’s first clarify what exactly GDPR is, although probably almost everyone has heard of it. GDPR is something that is needed and bad. It’s the general data protection directive of the European Union, which is applied uniformly and compulsorily by all Member States. This Directive governs the rights of data controllers, processors, and data subjects. It also strongly protects individuals, protecting their data and rights in the first place. Everyone who handles personal data must comply with it, except for a few exceptions.

2021. April 3.
Everything About the SSL Certificate
Nowadays, it costs almost nothing to create a new website that people from all over the world can access. If we manage our site skillfully, our platform, our products, writings, services, photos, and videos will be viewed by many people every day. At the same time, however, so-called cybercrime has also arisen, so we need an SSL certificate.

2022. March 26.
The Advantage of a Custom CMS Over Boxed
Contrary to popular belief, CMS systems can be used to create a unique website, together fact that we can find many unique websites that do not meet the needs of customers, users, and clients. This is because the “creator” does not take into account people’s needs and only edits based on individual preference. With custom CMS systems, we can create virtually any looking website.

2022. March 10.
Most Popular CMS Systems: How They Have Transformed?
When someone needs to create a website and requests a content manager, it becomes a clear need to create not just a constant-looking website, but a constantly updated platform that adapts to current trends and needs. As our general goal is cost efficiency, it may be advisable to do the content updates and modifications ourselves. The CMS can help us with this.

2022. January 4.
The Most Common Causes of Vulnerable Websites
Nowadays, a website has become an essential tool for marketing and obtaining any kind of information, and it is extremely easy to obtain. Vulnerable websites are easy to attack, and attacks can cause not only reputational but also material and other damage to our company over time. What are the most common factors that make websites vulnerable?