Special Domain Names: .cloud, .space, .shop? How Widespread? | WebOrigo

Special Domain Names: .cloud, .space, .shop? How Widespread?

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The abbreviation of domain names at the end shows a sort of classification. Examples are ".org" which denotes an organization or ".com" which denotes commercial activity. There are also country-specific endings, such as domain names ending in ".hu" used in Hungary. Nowadays, everyone wants to be unique in some way, so custom domain name extensions are common (for example, “.pizza”). It can be requested from the World Internet Authority (ICANN) and we need to reach into our pockets well to have one.

No special attention has been paid to domain names before, but nowadays it’s becoming an issue and the different names and endings already express a kind of identity. For the time being, a unique domain name is not necessarily an advantage, as Google has indicated that it does not rank based on it but on content. However, when we talk about results, with a special domain name ending there’s a good chance that we’ll come to the fore when someone searches specifically.


With domain names ending in .shop, businesses want to indicate that they are open to business. Basically, we don’t even notice how big names use this ending, but a website selling Netflix clothing products affiliated with Netflix, for example, also ends like this. We can also mention Apple, Amazon, or Converse.


Domain names ending in .cloud, although there are plenty of them, it is not yet possible to find a company with a bigger name among them. The use of this ending is widespread because cloud services will definitely shape our future and companies using the .cloud ending are already expressing their vote for cloud services. If someone has created a new product or service, the .cloud signal can indicate how original and new he really is. A future-oriented approach comes to the fore related to this ending.


With the .space domain name ending, their users aim to show the world their creative, innovative, and open approach. This domain ending is intended to allow users to create a web environment that suits their interests. The .space domain name ending is recommended for writers, designers, freelancers, or other creative workers and innovators, and of course for those who are connected to space exploration.

Overall, these domain name suffixes are not yet widespread, there are larger brand names that use one or the other, but have not yet fully dominated public awareness like a .com suffix for example. How much more popular they will be in the future is still a matter of the future.

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