Possibility to bargain in webshops | WebOrigo

Possibility to bargain in webshops

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In the past, if we wanted to buy something at the market but didn’t have enough money for it, we started to bargain hoping that the seller would be willing to sell that product at a lower price (affordable to us). Nowadays, however, this is not so simple, as so-called webshops are widespread (especially in the pandemic situation), where we can order products and / or services from our comfortable home and they get delivered to our door. With this, however, we lost the opportunity to get the product cheaper than the original price (not including now the products at a discounted price).

At the moment, we have little opportunity to bargain, as in the online stores prices are fixed, but don't be discouraged!

One of the world’s largest online flea markets is the well-known Ebay. There are already fixed price products on Ebay as well, but there are plenty of opportunities to look around and, more importantly, bargain. Interestingly, there are no big bargains on Ebay, as the seller and buyer tend to agree soon enough.

The potential of internet bargaining is not so developed in Hungary, but there are examples in our country as well. One of the websites that sells old books also allows you to bargain from the prices of the books in its webshop, but they have their own developed procedure for doing so. So it’s not just about bargaining, there are certain advantageous steps for them in this process before the bargaining. 

What is still an unfamiliar term for many is the so-called dealbot. A dealbot is a chat interface that aims to “convince” the customer to buy a product so that the customer also feels satisfied. The dealbot increases the conversion extremely effectively, thus generating more revenue for the company.

Finally, some insight about the ways to bargain without contacting the seller / chatbot?

The essence of differentiated pricing is that online webshops charge us different prices based on the data stored in our browser than it charges to other customers. For example, by tracking data such as from where I signed up multiple times, how many times I made purchases and at what prices, I can see and buy products at a higher price than others can. However, at the same time if I checked a product and put it in my cart, but haven’t bought it or they see that I visited a competitor’s site recently, I’ll get a discount or simply get the product cheaper. Don't take it lightly, we’re talking about differences of about 15-20%. So it’s not so rare to happen that someone is looking at the same product at the same time as me, but for he or she the product is much more expensive.

All in all, in the virtual space and in the webshops we don’t have too many opportunities to bargain, in the traditional sense, but like everything, it also has its loopholes and tricks. This may lead to the emergence of a whole new kind of bargaining, the official discovery of which is yet to come, or the online market will be flooded by dealbots.

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