10 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in E-commerce | Blog | WebOrigo

10 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid in E-commerce

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for the success of any e-commerce business. It's the key to ensuring that your online store ranks well in search engine results, attracts organic traffic, and ultimately drives sales. However, there are common SEO mistakes that e-commerce businesses often make, which can hinder their growth and success. In this article, we'll highlight 10 of these common SEO mistakes and provide insights on how to avoid them.

1. Neglecting Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. Failing to conduct thorough keyword research can result in targeting the wrong keywords or missing valuable opportunities. Use keyword research tools to identify relevant and high-converting keywords for your products. There are tools, like Google Keyword Planner, that can help you find the right keywords for your products.

2. Thin Content

Having insufficient or low-quality product descriptions can be detrimental to your SEO attempts. Each product page should contain unique, detailed, and captivating content. Refrain from copying descriptions from the supplier and spend time and effort in crafting comprehensive product descriptions which address user inquiries and expectations.

Make sure that you include key words and phrases that customers use when searching for products like yours. Highlight the benefits and features of the products and provide information that is helpful when deciding to make a purchase. Quality descriptions that are easy to read and communicate effectively can help with improving your SEO ranking and give potential buyers a better understanding of what they can expect.

3. Ignoring Mobile Optimization

The use of smartphones has seen an undeniable growth over the years, making mobile optimization a necessary feature. An e-commerce website that is not optimized for mobile devices can be disastrous, as it can easily lead to lower search rankings in search engine results. Therefore, it is important to make sure your e-commerce platform is responsive, meaning it can adjust its design automatically depending on the device size it is being displayed on, and that it offers a satisfying user experience no matter if the customer is viewing it on a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone.

4. Neglecting Page Load Speed

Slow-loading pages frustrate users and can lead to high bounce rates. Pages that take a long time to load can be seen as a major inconvenience for users and can result in a high bounce rate. Not only is this a hindrance for people using the website, but it also affects your ranking. Google uses page speed as an important factor when they are determining website rankings on the search engine.

To make sure that your website appears higher in the rankings and functions optimally, it is important to take the necessary steps to improve the page load speed. This includes optimizing your website images, using browser caching to speed up website performance, and minimizing all related code. Making a little extra effort in these areas could make a world of difference for your website's performance and improve user experience.

5. Lack of Structured Data Markup

Using structured data markup (schema.org) as part of your website strategy is critical when it comes to SEO. It helps search engines better understand your product data, allowing them to display it more precisely in search results. This increases the chance of your listings being noticed, as the inclusion of rich snippets like ratings, reviews, product prices, and availability gives users more insight into your offer before even clicking onto the page. This encourages more clicks and encourages visits to your website, which in turn boosts your SEO performance. Implementing structured data markup is an essential technique for ensuring your product information is optimally displayed in search results and is well worth the effort.

6. Poor Internal Linking

Using internal links in your website is one of the most effective ways to ensure that search engines properly navigate and understand the content of your webpages. By creating links between content (eg. product pages) that are descriptive and relevant to the user, you are able to provide a greater contextual understanding of where the user is and how they can move around the website. With descriptive anchor text to guide users and search engines, you are creating a user journey that is more flows more natural and efficient, allowing for higher user engagement and clickthrough to other internal and external content on your website.

7. Ignoring User Reviews

Customer reviews can have a powerful impact on someone's decision to purchase a particular product. It is important, then, to ensure your business is encouraging user-generated content, such as product reviews and ratings, and that this content is easily seen and accessible in plain sight on your product's pages. Not only is this beneficial to customers who are interested in knowing what others have to say about the product, it can also boost your website's SEO rankings as the presence of user-generated content provides your site with fresh and relevant material, which can be highly beneficial when it comes to search engine optimization.

8. Not Optimizing for Local SEO

If you have a physical store or serve customers in specific regions, optimizing for local SEO is absolutely critical for the success of your business. Make sure you claim your Google My Business listing so that customers can easily find more information about your business. All your business information has to be accurate and consistent across all online platforms so that people can trust what you're offering. Additionally, promote local reviews and citations of your business throughout your local area - this will help your business appear in local search results and increase your reach.

9. Duplicate Content Issues

E-commerce websites often have to deal with duplicate content issues, which arise from product variations or filters that generate multiple URLs pointing to the same webpage. In order to avoid duplication problems and show search engines which version of a page should be indexed, it is recommended to use canonical tags – special HTML elements that indicate the preferred version of a page. By using canonical tags, webmasters can help search engines understand which version of the page to index and show in SERPs, ensuring that duplicate content isn't penalized.

10. Neglecting Analytics and Monitoring

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an ongoing process which requires frequent monitoring and analysis on your website's performance to ensure you are achieving your desired goals. Implemented correctly, SEO allows you to grow your presence in search engine rankings, increase visibility, and gain more customers. For optimal success, it's important to utilize available analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your progress, spot any potential issues, and make decisions that are guided by reliable data. Doing so provides a data-driven approach to your SEO progress and facilitates continuous improvement in your website's performance.


Avoiding these common SEO mistakes is essential to the success of your e-commerce business. To get the most out of your digital marketing efforts, you need to conduct thorough keyword research, optimize for mobile, provide high-quality content, and continually monitor your performance. By doing this, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings, and thus attract more organic traffic and increase your sales.


It's important to remember that SEO is a long-term strategy, and requires patience and consistent effort to achieve and maintain success in the highly competitive e-commerce landscape. To get the most out of your SEO efforts, you will need to dedicate time and resources to ensure your website's content is up-to-date, relevant, and of high quality, and that your website is visible on all devices. Additionally, you will need to track your performance regularly to identify any problems and make adjustments as necessary. With the right approach and dedication, you can stay ahead of your competitors and achieve success in the e-commerce world.

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