Ipari automatizáció – Távoli GSM vezérlés | WebOrigo Blog

Industrial Automation - Remote GSM Control

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In 2020, WebOrigo entered a new market in the field of industrial automation solutions. This was obvious because it allowed our company to expand its product portfolio, leveraging its experience in developing cloud-based software solutions. Thus, overall, we can provide a higher value-added service as if we specialized exclusively in software.

Our projects mainly use GSM (ie mobile communication, such as SMS or phone calls) and internet-based solutions, which can be used to open a door automatically, control a locking device, or even turning on a circuit remotely.

We used our GSM-based remote control hardware first in the case of Ozone Air Kft., which they were able to integrate into their own machine, thus enabling remote control, which saves a lot of man-hours.

Ozone Air Kft. provides ozone air purification, serving civil and industrial customers. In their case, we were able to help with the air cleaning in the milling industry, by installing a remote control, thus saving the need to turn the machines on or off manually.

This year we will engage in further industrial automation development projects, and this area will become an increasingly strong area of our company alongside the other three strategic areas. It applies here as well, that we like to solve problems in which we can be pioneers.

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