Beware of Scammers Impersonating WebOrigo | Blog | WebOrigo

Beware of Scammers Impersonating WebOrigo

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It has come to our attention that unscrupulous individuals are using our company name and logo to create convincing scams. These scammers often employ deceptive emails, fake websites, or social media profiles that closely mimic our official channels. Their goal is to trick users into divulging sensitive personal information, such as login credentials, financial details, or other confidential data.

In an era where digital interactions dominate our daily lives, the threat of online scams has become increasingly prevalent. Unfortunately, scammers are now employing new tactics, including using the name and logo of reputable companies like ours to deceive unsuspecting individuals. Today, we want to shed light on a concerning trend: scammers exploiting our brand to trick users into sharing personal information. Additionally, we've discovered instances of scammers reaching out to individuals via WhatsApp in the guise of representing WebOrigo.

It's crucial for our community to remain vigilant and verify the authenticity of any communication claiming to be from WebOrigo. Remember, we will never ask for sensitive information via email or social media platforms.

Scammer Websites

Typically designed to imitate reputable businesses or services, scammer websites aim to trick visitors into divulging personal information, financial details, or login credentials. These deceptive sites often employ sophisticated tactics, such as fake logos, convincing domain names, and persuasive content, creating an illusion of authenticity. Once users fall victim to these schemes, they become susceptible to identity theft, financial loss, or other malicious activities.

We currently know of a few websites that aim to scam individuals by using WebOrigo's name and logo:


These sites are not affiliated with our company in any way! If you are contacted by anyone referencing these or any other website that seems suspicious, contact us at our official website,!

WhatsApp Scams: A New Frontier for Deception

In addition to email and fake websites, scammers are now exploiting popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp to reach out to individuals directly. These scammers may pose as customer support or HR representatives, offering enticing deals or urgent assistance, all while seeking personal information. We want to emphasize that WebOrigo does not initiate contact with customers via WhatsApp for personal or sensitive matters.

How to Spot and Avoid Scams: A Call to Vigilance

  • Check the Sender's Email Address: Always scrutinize the sender's email address. Legitimate communications from WebOrigo will come from official domains, and we encourage you to report any suspicious emails to our support team.
  • Verify Website URLs: Before clicking on any links, hover over them to see the destination URL. Official WebOrigo websites will always have a secure connection (https://) and match our official domain.
  • Don't Share Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information, especially in response to unsolicited messages. WebOrigo will never ask for sensitive information via social media, or messaging apps.
  • Contact Us Directly: If you receive a suspicious communication, verify its legitimacy by contacting WebOrigo directly through our official channels. Do not use any contact information provided in the questionable message.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Spread awareness about these scams among your friends, family, and colleagues. Education is a powerful tool in preventing falling victim to scams.

Our Commitment to Your Security

We take these matters seriously and are actively working to combat these scams. WebOrigo is committed to ensuring the safety and security of our community. We are continuously improving our security measures and collaborating with law enforcement to bring these scammers to justice.

Remember, your safety is our priority. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and together, we can create a safer digital environment for everyone.

If you ever have concerns about the legitimacy of a communication or encounter a suspicious incident, please reach out to our official support channels immediately.

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